
Student Fuels Passion for Art with Donation to det365手机版官网 基金会

a coll年龄 of photos taken of the allison fox 玻璃 studio at det365手机版官网's 南安普顿的中心

If you’ve visited Brunswick Community College’s 南安普顿的中心 for Herit年龄 Arts, you know it is a treasure trove of creativity, 人才, 和机会. Instructors and students spend countless hours working with clay, 玻璃, 木, 金属, 和更多的, channeling their energy into priceless works of art. For some, their art is a source of income. For others, it is therapeutic. Still, others love learning something new and having fun with friends old and new. For Allison Fox, it is an opportunity to give back with a gift to the det365手机版官网 基金会.


南安普顿的中心 student Allison Fox, 这个地区的新来者, found her passion in working with 玻璃. Having already shared her time and 人才, Fox decided to make a gift that would fully renovate and add new equipment to what was dedicated recently as the Allison Fox Glass Studio. The 基金会 of det365手机版官网 Executive Director Teresa Nelson, joined by det365手机版官网 President Gene Smith and Vice President 继续教育 Economic & 员工发展 Greg Bland, unveiled a new sign in honor of Fox. 

“Allison is genuinely lovely,” said 南安普顿的中心 Director Barbara McFall. “She fell in love with what she saw here and gave generously to help ensure that others could enjoy it too. We are thrilled to have Allison with us and will be forever grateful to her.”

The 基金会 of det365手机版官网 Executive Director Teresa Nelson echoed McFall’s sentiment. “I continue to be humbled by the generosity of the many individuals, 家庭, and organizations that give of themselves to support our students and college,尼尔森说。. “感谢女士。. Fox, 南安普顿的中心 has more to offer local artisans than ever before. What a wonderful way to fuel your passion for art.”


If you share a passion for art, please visit 4dian8.com for a complete list of summer courses, including those held in the Allison Fox Glass Studio. To learn more about The 基金会 at det365手机版官网 and how you can help further our college’s mission, 联系特蕾莎·纳尔逊 (电子邮件保护) or (910) 755-6530.



